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DSL Bank and the non-payment of building loans

Update 26.09.2023: In the meantime, DSL Bank has finally paid out the called partial loan to the developer. A serious damage for the client could thus be averted.   In an ongoing legal dispute, a client who used the services of attorney Sascha C. Fürstenow...

Federal Court of Justice: No reservation fee for brokers

In the case at hand, the potential buyers of a property had paid a reser­vation fee in the amount of €4,200 and demanded its repayment after they had refrained from purchasing the property. The Federal Court of Justice examined the legality of this fee in the context...

Justified hope of aggrieved consumers of online casinos

Dresden Higher Regional Court rules in favor of injured consumers of online sports betting; this could also affect online gambling. OLG Dresden rules in favor of injured consumers of online sports bets This is the judgment of the OLG Dresden (Az.: 13 U 1753/22) of...